Publication Ethics and Malpractice Policy

Editors Responsibilities:
• Editor of NEURO ADVANCES holds the responsibility for deciding the publication of articles submitted to the journal. The editor may consult the editorial board, reviewers, in making decisions and will consider the recommendations of corresponding editors. Also, for publication, the editor will consider basic legal requirements including plagiarism and copyright infringement.
• Manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated based on their intellectual and scientific content. NEURO ADVANCES ensure the publication process to be free from any bias without regard to any form of indiscrimination including race or gender or religious beliefs or political ideology or citizenship.
• Editor or any other editorial staff should not disclose the status of the manuscript under review in a journal to any individual or organization other than the corresponding author, potential reviewers, editorial advisors and publisher only when appropriate by appropriate means.
Reviewers Responsibility:
• Reviewers through peer review assists editor making editorial decisions and also the author(s) to improvise their manuscript.
• When an assigned referee feels unqualified for the review of the assigned manuscript or who knows that timely review will not be possible then the referee should excuse himself/herself by notifying the editor on time to avoid any delay of manuscript review.
• Reviewers should express objective comments without any personal criticism of the author(s). Also, reviewers shall provide necessary supporting arguments and clearly express their views to the author(s) which should assist the author(s) to improvise their work.
• Reviewers should promptly communicate with the editor over the conflict of interest that may result from undue influence over their ability to evaluate the manuscript in a professional manner. Also, any directly competitive or collaborative relationship between the author and the review of the manuscript will constitute a conflict of interest and if the editor assumes the presence of such conflict an alternate review will be assigned for review.

Author’s Responsibilities:
• Author(s) of the manuscript submitting to NEURO ADVANCES should present an accurate account of the work undertaken and should discuss its significance objectively. It is to be ensured by the author that the entire work is undertaken by them and in case of use of work or words of others that need to be cited and referenced and acknowledged.
• Author(s) should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time in such case it will be deemed as unethical behaviour. If found of such behaviour editor of the journal holds the right to remove or reject the manuscript submitted to NEURO ADVANCES.
• Authorship should be restricted to persons who have made a significant contribution to the manuscript including conception and execution of the work submitted to the journal. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and agreed to its publication in the journal.
• Author(s) should cite and acknowledge the work of others properly. Explicit written permission should be obtained in case of information that is obtained privately or by means of confidential services including through grant applications or referring manuscripts.
• Author(s) should disclose to the editor any possible conflict of interest of any kind including financial or substantive data use or of obtained results or interpretation present in the manuscript. All sources of financial support should be disclosed in the manuscript’s acknowledgement section.
• If any error or inaccuracy is identified in the manuscript by the authors(s) it should be notified to the editor or publisher. Also, full co-operation is expected from the author(s) to retract or correct the published manuscript in NEURO ADVANCES.
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